
Thursday, February 20, 2014


Happy Birthday to this Boy!!!
(I should have written something about my children on their birthdays like this! Camden's was last week, and Stirling was December.  BUT I just thought about this today, so I will make a belated post for the two of them soon!)
Liam Elijah was born on February 20, 2000.  I  always thought that was a cool birthday.  He was a typical pregnancy, except I got SO much bigger.  I kept joking that I was pretty sure that I was having twins!  I was hoping for a girl to even out the family, and Camden REALLY wanted a sister.  Since she was almost 8 we let her come to the ultrasound.  When he was clearly a boy we were both sad.  She was teary about it so Christian took her to the waiting room while I met with the Doctor.  It did not even occur to me that he wouldn't be healthy.  There were some possible problems that did show on the ultrasound.  We would have to wait a month to see if it was a serious problem, or if it would go away.  It was a LONG month.  I knew that he would need to be a strong child, and I prayed and prayed that he would be strong.  However, I knew that babies were born with problems.  So sometimes I felt that I was asking too much.  Within a short time I had come to accept whatever was in store for me, knowing I would be strengthened through Christ to bear whatever burden I might have to bear.  
During this time we were trying to come up with a name.  When Christian and I got married we had two names, a girl and a boy, that we liked and beyond that it was really difficult to agree on a name!  Stirling shared a middle name with Christian and his grandfather.  Payne had my father's name as his middle name.  Where to go from here?  Did we play favorites among our grandfathers?  (I certainly didn't intend to have FOUR more boys to make it even!). As we thought about it we both came to the same conclusion that it should be Elijah, after Elijah Fordham, one of Christian's ancestors.  (5th great grandfather?  I can't keep track of that for some reason!). Elijah was a man of great faith.  he did many great things in his life, but the most well known story is of him being healed when he was on his death bed.  ( story here). This was a name of strength.  This was the name we were searching for!  (On a side note, Liam's favorite scripture character has always been Elijah of the Old Testament.  He has loved to hear the stories of Elijah)
Well, you know the end of this story.  Liam was healthy.  In fact he was well over 3 before he ever even took an antibiotic.  He was 7 lbs. 15 oz.. my biggest baby by over a pound!  He has always been big.  He has always been strong.  (REALLY strong). I think he needed that to protect himself from his brothers.  He has always been fiercely independent.  He has always been a joy.
Liam is a great young man.  He LOVES to learn.  (which is entirely different than loving school). Liam is often reading, or watching TED videos.  Once a few years ago he asked me what extinct animal I wish was still around.  He thinks like that.  He is insightful.  Probably my favorite thing about Liam is how sweet he is.  He chides me if he is around and I open a door.  He will take a bag from me when he sees me so that I don't have to carry it.  He is so considerate.  I love that about him.
I once read something that a Mom said that her favorite child is the one in front of her. I feel that way.  I can talk about all my children individually an end the conversation with he/she is my favorite! So since I am talking about Liam today I will say he is my favorite... my favorite 14 year old son.  Happy birthday, son.  I am proud of you.  I am so blessed to be your mom.  I appreciate your strength. 
I love you.

Monday, February 17, 2014

Driving in snow

Today I drove about 2 hours north to look at houses with my daughter.  (then we drove another hour to the town where we looked at houses - good thing Will is such a good baby!)  We didn't find anything promising, which was sad, but we had a good time!  I knew when I left that there was a winter storm warning for this afternoon, but I felt like it would be fine and that I should still go as planned.
When I woke up before I got in the shower I was checking twitter posts and there was a tweet from the LDS church which said, "If ye are prepared ye shall not fear".  (Side note:  I am a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints - or LDS church - or Mormons.  I like to subscribe to them on twitter) It got me thinking that I should be prepared for anything.  So I threw a few extra bottles of water in the car, a heavier winter coat, thick gloves, and a hat, oh!  and a granola bar and blanket.  Just in case. 
The drive up was fabulous.  BLASTING my favorite music ("Happy" by Pharell is one of my MOST favorites!... how can you listen to that song and NOT be happy?!?!) It was good for the soul.  Seriously.  I loved being by myself just to think.  The roads were clear, I could go a comfortable speed (somewhat over the speed limit) and cruise all the way up there.  It was super fun!
We didn't have too much success with houses.  She needs a new realtor.  (which they are finding) But it is ALWAYS fun to be with Will.  I love to snuggle him and kiss him.  He smiles SO big when you get him out of the carseat.  He cries when you put him back, so I made Camden do that. (Who wants to be the mean guy?  Not this grandma!) We ate lunch at this super cute place in downtown Nappanee... a local place. The food was fabulous and the prices were better. 
We got back to Christian's parents, no snow.  15 minutes later lots of snow- blowing hard snow.  I didn't hang out too long so that I could get on the road.  I knew it would be slow going and I wanted to get home.  Little did I know... it was WHITE OUT conditions after about 10 minutes.  It kind of scared me.  I was saying prayers in my head as I drove that I would be able to stay on the road because it was super hard to see anything but white.  It was strange, bright.  I felt like I was looking into the sun because it was so bright, but it was all so white.  I soon noticed there was a car behind me, and it just stayed a safe distance behind slowing down and such as I did.  I think we were going 35, sometimes 30 on the highway!  Somehow that car made me feel so much better once I noticed it.  I was no longer alone.  I kept talking to the car... "we are in this together, so we can make it"
Then I decided I would put on hymns and my "remember music".  (it helps me remember what is important.  Hilary Weeks, Mercy River, Kenneth Cope, Voice Male, Cheri Call... to name a few). I LOVE music.  ALL music... I really think it can soothe the soul.  Anyway, I sang along to the hymns and begin to repeat to myself, "Slow and steady will get you home".  SLOW AND STEADY.
Soon I began to think about how this relates to life. So often we hear "endure to the end".  We feel like this is a "grit your teeth" and "grin and bear it" kind of thing.  I don't think so.  We read in 2Nephi in the Book of Mormon that "men are that they might have joy".  We should have joy.  I thought about how my drive up and my drive back relate to my life.  Sometimes it is smooth sailing!  I get to think my own thoughts, sing loud to my favorite music, drive faster than I should.  Careening through life.  It is easy to feel joy then!
Then a storm comes.  I HAVE to slow down.   I can no longer go faster than I should.  If I try to it is dangerous, and could take me longer to get where I am going.  The storm definitely makes it harder to feel joy.  It is even easy to forget how good the road was just hours before.  Sometimes I feel alone, but then, as I pray I feel strength.  Whether it is a car behind me... a friend that lifts me ("we are in this together, so we can make it"), or even added strength to do what I need to do...   To drive to my destination.  I am reminded that I can listen to hymns (be uplifted) and know that I as I am strengthened I can have peace and joy.  JOY... even in the storm, singing my heart out.    I knew I would get to my destination okay. I was not afraid.  I had peace.... and I can have that kind of peace through the storms of life.  SLOW AND STEADY.  :).
It was a good thought for me.  I took some pictures as I got into Noblesville.... it was coming down so big and fluffy.  -- Don't worry!  I was at a stoplight both times!  I did get home, obviously. We will all get HOME someday too.  Remember, slow and steady... and you are not alone.  Ever. ("We are in this together...")

Monday, February 10, 2014

Some of my favorite pictures...

Here are some pictures... some of my favorites, recently.  I think this picture might be my all time favorite picture!  I just LOVE these boys, and I love my grandbaby being right there with them in their cool hats!
Will - my grandson
How cute is this boy?  I cannot express how much fun it is to be a grandmother!  It makes everything else TOTALLY worth it!
I took this picture while Cam was talking to her Dad.  I love how big it makes Will look, and how tiny she is!
Happy Grandad, sleepy baby!
Smiles!  Couldn't you just kiss him? 
Stirling is doing so great this year!  I am really proud of him.  He has worked VERY hard to get where he is.  He is ranked in the top ten in the State of Indiana!  He also set the school record his last meet of the year.  It was pretty exciting!   He is gearing up now for Sectionals and state.  So excited for him! (Sorry about the speedo picture! I don't even think about it anymore, but forget that it is not much clothing.)  This year the High School team decided on Power Ranger practice suits.  Stirling is the red power ranger.
Eagle Scouts

The FINALLY did it! Stirling and Payne are Eagles!  So proud of them!  It was a great day to celebrate as they were awarded their eagles.  A lot of people that mean a lot in their lives came, and that meant so much!  The picture on top is BillBrown.  (no space on purpose, it is the way the boys used to say it, like it was all on word). He was Stirling and Payne's first bus driver when they started elementary school.  He has kept up with them, and often asked me how they were doing on their Eagle progress.  He came to the Court of Honor!  That is just one example of the many people that came have contributed to the growth of these boys. 
One of my favorite parts of the night was when they awarded the Mentor pin to their Grandfather.  (Grandy) Grandy determined that he would do all that he could to help encourage them on their path toward Eagle.  He talked with them and then told them he would meet with them once a month to have an "accountability meeting" where they talked about progress and set goals for the next month.  It made all the difference.  They love Grandy so much that they did not want to disappoint him, so they did it.  It was very touching to all of us when they both gave him the mentor pin.

My Roots are Showing...

If you didn't know it, I grew up in Florida. We moved to Fort Pierce, FL when I was six years old and I lived there until I graduated High School.  (Ft. Pierce Central, Go Cobras!). My family history is mostly in the Carolinas.  I always had visions like the picture above.  Beautiful plantations, lovely walks along shrub lined walks.  As I have grown up I have learned the awful truth about slavery and that is how the plantations ran.  That has changed the "dream" quite a bit.  Nevertheless, my routes are very southern.  When I left for college my grandmother said to me, "Now don't forget you are a Southern Belle at heart.". (please say that with a nice southern drawl)

But that isn't entirely what this post is about... there are many things I like about my heritage.  I think Southerners fixed the English language with "ya'll".  Most other languages have. plural form of "you", and I will always use "ya'll.". I will always slip into "I'm fixin' to do that".  I don't know why.  Not like love that saying, just something that comes out of my mouth when I am not thinking about it.  I REALLY like the "ma'am" and "sir".  I use it often.  I like the way it sounds.   I like the respect it gives, even if it someone younger than me.  To me it seems polite in a kind, loving way.  My dad says "Ma'am" and "Sir" a lot.  I love it.  He will say, "Thank you, sir." even to the gas station attendant.  It seems so kind to me.

Here is the problem:  A while ago on the "Today" show it was reported that a survey was taken among women and a huge percentage, over 50%, were offended when called "Ma'am".  They would rather be called "Lady" or "woman"... but NOT "Ma'am".  What!?!?!  This doesn't insinuate that you are old, or not cool.  It is just nice.  It shows respect.  Kindness.  How can you be offended?  I am so sad.  Since I not longer live in the South, and haven't for years... HOW MANY PEOPLE AM I OFFENDING?!?!? 

Yesterday I said, "Thank you, Sir." to a friend that dropped by.  Was that offensive?  Did it seem like I was being aloof?  Here is one of the problems with "cultural differences", right?  I mean it in the kindest of ways. It is respect - but not in a way that you intimidate me, but respect in a way that I really like you.  Those are my roots.  I don't see that changing, no matter where I live.  Maybe I should pass a card out with this link so people know that I like them when I use "Ma'am" and "sir". :)